i was with E for 20 years and we were in love. we were in love in a way i don’t know i’ve seen anyone else be in real life. we raised each other we raised babies we raised pets we raised hell we raised a life out of little left. i’ve been thinking that grieving us is practice for my own death. it is a grief so profound i can’t articulate it and poetry only comes close, or music. i’ll forever be deeply grateful and astonished we became what we were that we had what we did and forever grieving that it died. there is a waterhole, a cenote, i fall into, it is made of everything we felt together, and it is an entire universe i carry but cannot touch. i listened to ethel cain while writing this poem. grief is so repetitious and so this repeating pattern of images and actions spiral down with me in the waterhole, trying to express the inexpressible.
Losing losing losing
Going going going
Gone gone gone
A long life dead
Long live the dead
Long you live in my head
My heart my heart my heart
Beat beat beat
Beat beat beat me
Beat beat beat me
Bleeding bleeding bleeding
Dying dying dying
Waning long live dying
The air crying
Nightrolls sky dawning
Hunter calling
Calling calling calling
Running running running
Nowhere nowhere nowhere
Ankles hung wrists undone
Your eyes mine eyes
Spinning spinning spinning
Wrench wrench wrench
Lost again lost again losing again
Dim light backbone echo
Your knuckles in my rib
Sunshine hairs on your arm
The blood of our baby
Desert night in rain
Bodies together bodies together
Your eyes mine your eyes mine
I never understood time
A universe inside i will always
I will never
You will always
You will never
A universe between
Your tears in my mouth
A men a men a men
The mountain the lion
Waning long love dying
Losing losing losing
Waterhole black blue me you
Drowning in me drowning you
In me you in me you in me you
My blues blackened blue eyes
Black end black end black end
"Your knuckles in my rib
Sunshine hairs on your arm
The blood of our baby
Desert night in rain"
... beat beat beat... end end end..
Oh, Maggie, potente poesía. Powerful grief. And beautiful.
And the video!
Love, my dearling!
I know exactly what u r feeling