image by Rena Medow / @rena.issance_

What do I get out of this subscription?

Interviews with interesting, women-identifying writers. I’m making a point to include all kinds of writing: diary, poetry, novels, memoirs, essays, illustrated, biographers, YA novelists, etc! THE THREE writer interview will include:

+ Writer posts a photo from her phone and writes the short story behind it.

+ Chooses 5 of 10 Pop-Up Questions and answers them briefly.

+ Interviews with me about work and life.

The interviews and Pop-Up questions are all a little sideways of what you normally get in writer interviews, and try to get a little more into the fascinating tidbits of a person’s life.

I’m also just writing on here, what I want, when I want, which is the point of Substack.

Who are you, interviewer?

me with coffee, sandals, jeans and the beach- the regulars.

I’m Maggie May Ethridge, a freelance writer with work in all kinds of magazines and publications, such as The Guardian, The Fix, Rolling Stone, The Washington Post, and many more.

Some of my interviews are at Bitch and LARB.

I have two books, one ebook and one bound. One is a memoir about my marriage: Atmospheric Disturbances: Scenes From A Marriage. (It’s a super sore point with me that when new publishers bought the company, they removed the books and put them back WIPED OF ALL REVIEWS. I had built up 53 good reviews, most 5-star, and not only was I really proud of that, but it helped my book keep selling. Consider leaving a short review if you read this memoir, thank you!)

The other book is a high school primer on my childhood hero, Marie Curie.

On a personal note, I’m the mom of four kids: Dakota, Lola, Ian, and Ever, ages 27 to 11. They have been the best things in my life; they are my forevers. I have one dog, two cats, and I’m VERY MUCH a Scorpio (minus the rage/grudge thing). I love Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, and Ancient Maya, hiking, the ocean, dancing, music (all day), art in all forms, iced espresso, travel, pop culture, letter writing, Kundalini yoga, the human body, the embarrassment of being a human being ( Vonnegut! ), humor in all forms that punch up, sex, champagne, Milk Duds, old trucks with seats that stick to the back of your legs in the summer, car trips, tattoos, weight lifting, running, Mozart, wildflowers, social justice, my kid’s generations, sleeping, and although I’m unfortunately extremely hetero, women’s butts. Books have been a love of my life since kindergarten. I’m a constant reader of magazines, books, newspapers, internet. Give me the words.

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Let’s Talk About The Lives of Interesting Women

I mean, enough said!

Subscribe to Books & Women

Weekly interviews with women-identifying writers & one post weekly about all things women and writing.


I read a lot and ask questions.